Saturday, April 28, 2007

10th Post: Mugger's Hangout!

Ah, congratulations to myself! for hitting the 10th post, which effectively meant that my blog has more posts than my old blog yay :D *pats own back*

Exams are round the corner, for me that is, cos my first paper starts 1 week (i.e. next mon) after the exams started, heh, lucky me.. rather, smart me haha (ego) so i've more time to study!

Besides studying in sch, been hopping from place to place to study, from starbucks at united sq to coffee bean at changi airport.. cos I really can't study at home man.. firstly its too hot, and secondly there's too much distractions.. I found myself 1. watching more tv (i want to watch dolphin bay, sisters, any of u have?) 2. playing games on 3. blogging (like now) 4. teaching my sister how to play card games so she can play with me 5. even reading the newspapers! most of the time I'm a mountain tortoise, i dunno what's gg on ard the world cos i dont read newspapers one, as iggy can testify haha

Anyway, changi is really pretty cool, shall post more about it when I'm in the mood, but for now, any of u eastern-ers who dread gg all the way to sch to study can check it out! :)

All the Best to all of U! :D

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