Looking back, I remember I was q sad when I found out 2 sems ago when Tim changed course to Geog, of course I feel happy as well, esp when he really found his interests there. It's just.. I know I'll dread going to school even more. And then Chengwei went for exchange last sem, and again I felt that feeling of loss. What am I going to do in pgp..? I guess one major downside of research is the fact that you gotta work alone.. something which I'm terribly bad at..
Thank goodness I've met you guys.. han, liza, and the gang in physics. hanging ard in and outside the lab, climbing precariously over railings on the 4th floor to use shortcuts, sharing dramas and movies around, going late for lessons and bargaining with the prof over tests date, climbing hills and exploring new places, playing sudoku during lectures.. it made the past 2 sems so much more interesting!
Here's a look at what we do!
Hanging out at the lounge becomes an almost daily hobby

So much so when exams came it was time to panic!

Of course, not forgetting to nourish ourselves..

Thanks for writing this.
Good brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.
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